As I approach 25 years of sobriety, I remember a statement I made in early sobriety about the idea of a Higher Power. While chairing my first AA meeting at 1 year of sobriety, yes once upon a time you had to wait a year before you had something to say, i said, "someone or something has more in store for me than i can possibly imagine". I thought at the time I had quite the imagination, but it all seemed so far away from possibility. There are things that have happened and are part of my life today that were not in the realm of imagination. I continue to look forward to what is to come.
One year before this meeting I was 20 years old, had no job, had no money, had no place to live, was a college drop-out, was a convicted felon, had been emancipated from my family, was sitting in a jail cell for the 3rd time waiting for my court date. I was being charged with my second felony and facing 10-15 years.
Today at 45 and Sober for 25 Years. I have a wife and two kids who have never seen me pick up a drink, I finished college. I entered a plea of guilty to the second felony and after just two years of sobriety the judge said " the person in front of me today is no longer the person that committed these crimes and therefore can not be held accountable" Today I am working on getting the first conviction expunged. Part of me would like to keep as I have no regrets, so lets say i am not working all that hard on it. I have my entire family back in my life. I have created multiple companies and in doing so created many jobs for others. I have completed 3 Ironman's , 3 Marathons and countless smaller races. I give back to my community on a regular basis. I am purpose driven. I have a few longterm amazing friends and am quite sure I will never stop doing what I love to do.
Having always been a closet fan of Tony Robbins my entire adult life and never having seen him in person, To celebrate I am going to a live 4 day long Event called Unleash The Power Within from Feb 27-March 2 in Florida. I look forward to the experience and what is to follow. Heres looking forward to an even more amazing next 25 year, I am just getting warmed up. Anything is Possible.